“Mirror of True Identity”

Mirror of True Identity.jpg

God redeemed our identity

Who we truly are in Him.

He has paid the price! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” - 2 Corinthians 5:17

Our true identity is no longer a sinner or a captive of shame and guilt, but Born-again child of God with a new heart, a renewed mind, Holy Spirit dwells in us. It’s time to overcome any daily negative thoughts from the flesh that don’t align with what God says about us. Our Heavenly Father’s arm have been waiting for us on the other side, and nothing can separate us from His love.

Therefore, I am a beautiful priceless diamond in His eyes. This is how I choose to see myself in the mirror today.

Testimony: There’s so many testimonies people told me about this painting. The very first one was the day I just finished it on the stage after worship, a lady came to me immediately with tears in her eyes.

She said this:

“I usually worship with my eyes closed, but I felt the Lord asked me to look at the painting on stage, and then I saw the diamond that you were working on. I’ve been struggling with self-hatred my whole life because of my past traumatic experience (life stories in the next 10 minutes…). Once I see this diamond, immediately Jesus said “that’s YOU! :) YOU are so precious and beautiful like a diamond.” I wept and I refused to look at it …refused believing it… it was too new to me. But He kept saying it and asked me to “LOOK at it”, and this continue for the rest of the worship and I couldn’t stop my tears…” I was so amazed. And I told her the meaning and the name of the painting is EXACTLY what she received. Without a word, without preaching, He’s talking to so many of us just through a picture :)


Acrylic Painting on Canvas